a woman in a dentist chair holding up an x - ray

We are committed to using the latest technology to provide our patients with the highest quality of care. That's why we offer digital x-rays – a modern imaging technique that provides a clearer and more detailed view of your oral health.

Digital X-Rays vs. Traditional X-Rays

In the past, traditional x-rays were the standard imaging technique used in dentistry. It involved placing a film inside the mouth to capture images of the oral cavity, which were developed using chemical processing methods. Traditional x-rays had limitations such as lower image quality, longer processing times, and environmental concerns.

Today, technology has evolved, and we’ve gone digital. Digital x-rays offer enhanced images, reduced radiation exposure, and real-time processing for improved patient safety and care.

How do Digital X-Rays Work?

Digital x-rays utilize electronic sensors to capture images of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. These sensors are connected to a computer, which processes the images in real-time and displays them on a monitor. Our experienced dental team can then review the images immediately, allowing for prompt diagnosis and treatment planning.

Benefits of Digital X-Rays

The benefits of digital x-rays include:

  • Improved diagnostic accuracy: Digital x-rays provide clearer and more detailed images, allowing our team to detect dental issues early and accurately.
  • Patient convenience: Digital x-rays are faster and more comfortable for patients, reducing the time spent in the dental chair.
  • Enhanced communication: Digital x-rays can be easily shared with patients, specialists, and insurance providers, facilitating better communication and coordination of care.
  • Safer for the environment: Digital x-rays eliminate the need for chemical processing and film storage, reducing waste and environmental impact.
a man and woman looking at an x - ray of a smile

Explore Modern Dentistry with Digital X-Rays

Experience the advantages of digital x-rays at Haywood Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. Schedule your appointment today and discover how this advanced imaging technology can improve your dental experience. Your oral health is our priority, and we are committed to providing you with the highest quality of care using the latest technology.

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